Special Education / Begwaanmenjigejig Kinomaagziwin » Special Education / Begwaanmenjigejig Kinomaagziwin

Special Education / Begwaanmenjigejig Kinomaagziwin

The WBE is committed to a philosophy of integration in a positive inclusive learning environment. We provide a range of options to meet the needs of exceptional learners. Every effort is made to address the needs of students in a regular classroom. Some students will need a variety of program modifications and/or accommodations to their educational program. Other students may require more specialized educational programs and services to meet their educational needs.

The Wikwemikong Board of Education believes that all students have the potential to learn and that all students should progress to the best of their ability. We support their progress by offering the following services in our schools:

• Occupational Therapy
• Physiotherapy
• Speech & Language Assessment
• Psychoeducational Assessments
• Behaviour Interventions

Each school works collaboratively with Care Coordinators from Aasgaabwitwindwaa Binoojiinhik Wiin ni Gshkiwewziwaat (formerly School Health Support Services) to offer the above-noted services year-round.

Parents and guardians of students with exceptionalities are encouraged to maintain open communication with their student’s teacher, the SERTs assigned to their school along with their Principal.


The WBE utilizes designations consistent with the Ontario Ministry of Education. These designations are decided on at the Individual Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) meeting. The exceptional students may be found to have any one or more of the ministry designations as set out below: