Transportation Update! Thursday, March 6; Due to icy roads this morning, all WBE student transportation is cancelled for today. However, schools will remain open for staff and students. Parents who drop off their children must pick them up at the end of the school day. Please drive safely.
PD Day & Holiday - No School There will be no school on February 14th for staff PD Day. Also, there is a holiday on the following Monday, February 17th, there will be no school. Students will return Tuesday, February 18th.
PD Day - No School There will be no school Friday, January 31st. Return to school Monday February 3rd.
PD Day - No School There will be no school Friday October 25th due to staff PD, return to school Monday October 28th.
Bus Registration Now Open! Register your child for the 2024-2025 school year through the PowerSchool Parent Portal to secure your child's spot on the bus!